Unsurprisingly, the condition of your brakes can have a significant impact on the safety of your vehicle. As the sole components responsible for bringing your vehicle to a halt on the road, having faulty, worn or unresponsive brakes can really put you, your passengers, and even other drivers around you in the danger zone.
Now, brake pads obviously won’t last forever, so there will definitely come a time where you need to replace these integral components of your vehicle. However, through practising a number of good habits and paying attention to signs, you can ensure to extend the lifespan of your brake pads for as long as possible, and keep your vehicle’s braking system in excellent shape for many more driving experiences on the road. So, if you’re ready to get down to business, let’s explore the ways in which you can work to keep your brakes in tip top condition:
1. Avoid Abrupt Braking
We’ve all been guilty of it in one situation or another; having to brake abruptly due to the fact that we’ve simply not been paying attention, or that we haven’t been maintaining a safe distance between ourselves and the vehicle in front of us. But constantly slamming on the brakes can put a whole load of unnecessary wear and tear on your brake pads and your rotors. So, if you want to prevent these components from wearing out too fast, make sure to pay attention on the road and avoid trying to get on top of that car in front of you.
2. Don’t Ride the Brakes
Have you ever been guilty of pressing on the brakes all the way down a steep hill? Riding the brakes in this way can not only cause your brake pads to wear out quicker, but it may also create uncertainty in fellow drivers behind you. So, if you’re driving a manual transmission, switch to a lower gear when driving downhill instead of riding the brakes throughout the whole way down. Your brake pads will thank you for it in the long run.
3. Take Note of Signs
Some drivers notice clear signs that there is something wrong with their vehicle, but they do their best to try and ignore them anyway, hoping that the issues will resolve themselves in time. Well, unfortunately, it just doesn’t work like that. If you’ve noticed that your brake pads have been making a squeaking, squealing or grinding noise, or that they’ve been feeling a little spongy, it’s likely a very clear warning that your brake pads are starting to wear down, and are in need of a prompt replacement. If you’re noticing these signs on the regular, you should bring your vehicle in to a mechanic right away.
4. Keep Up with Routine Maintenance
Routine maintenance may seem unnecessary to certain drivers, but the reality is that subjecting your vehicle to scheduled servicing gives mechanics the chance to identify smaller issues that may have been harder to identify by the average joe. During a scheduled car service, your auto technician would be able to assess your braking system, and determine whether or not repairs or replacements are due then and there or closer to the next service. In this way, they can help to keep your braking system functioning smoothly, and guarantee the highest level of protection and safety for you whilst driving out on the road.
Do you suspect that your vehicle’s brake pads are in need of a replacement? At European Prestige Auto Service, we specialise in providing repair and maintenance services for an extensive range of luxury European automobiles. Our skilful and experienced auto technicians are well versed in dealing with a number of well-known vehicle brands, including BMW, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Jeep, Porsche, plus many more.
To book an appointment for your vehicle’s needs, contact European Prestige Auto Service today and get a FREE quote!